5 8 1 What is the HTML Skeleton

LANSA Web Functions

5.8.1 What is the HTML Skeleton?

LANSA provides an HTML skeleton or template to generate the HTML pages for your LANSA Web functions. 

LANSA allows you to customize the HTML skeleton. The default HTML skeleton WEBSKEL is contained in the LANSA data library. (For LANSA for iSeries, file DC@F28 is used. For Visual LANSA, a WEBSKEL.S file is used.) This skeleton must not be modified.

If you wish to create your own customized HTML skeleton, you should create the skeleton in a new source member. (For LANSA for iSeries, create a member in the DC@W22 file. For Visual LANSA, create a <filename>.S file in the partition source directory.) You can create a default skeleton or you can create a skeleton which is specific to a partition, process or function.

When the HTML for a Web function is generated, LANSA will search for source members to be used as the HTML skeleton. The following search order is used:

  • function name for a WEBEVENT function only
  • process name
  • partition name
  • special value 'DEFAULT'.

If none of these source members are found, then the default shipped HTML skeleton WEBSKEL will be used.

Sample HTML skeletons are shipped. For example, file member named SSISAMPLE is an example of an SSI HTML skeleton and looks like this:

<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="3">







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