3 10 1 Start Development Environment Debugging Session

LANSA Web Functions

3.10.1 Start Development Environment Debugging Session

In the Repository tab of the LANSA Editor, locate the Web function to be debugged. Right click on it to open the context menu. Select Execute from the context menu.

The Execute dialog will be displayed:

Select either Function in Web Browseror Process in Web Browser to execute the selected Web function.

Select (check) the option Prompt for additional execution parameters to open the following dialog where you can specify that you want Debugging to be activated.  If the Prompt for additional execution parameters option is not selected, the function or process will be run without any debugging session.

Check that the Web Server Name and Web Server Port are correct for your installation.

Change the Debug parameter from N to Y to start the Web function for debugging.

For IBM i batch debug, you need to specify the Device Id and Message Queue. (IBM i Batch Debug is not done within the Visual LANSA Development Environment.)

Debug Host is set by default according to LANSA Debug Settings (see Debug  in LANSA Settings in the User Guide) and refers to the Visual LANSA development environment that you want to use for interactive debugging. Normally, it refers to the current development environment you are using. If you want to temporarily use a different development environment (which can be on a different computer) for the debugging session, you may change Debug Host to a value such as mydevenv:51234. This is name of the computer with the development environment that you want to use and the network port number used by the Visual LANSA Debug Service of that development environment. You will find this information in the Debug dialog of the LANSA Settings of the development environment you want to use for debugging.

The parameters Device Id and Message Queue are not used for Visual LANSA interactive debugging.