Step 4 Create a Process Level _HIDDEN Page

LANSA Web Functions

Step 4. Create a Process Level _HIDDEN Page

In this step, you will create a new HTML page called iiiPROC03_HIDDEN. You will include iiiLOGIN field in this page so that the value will then be passed to all functions contained in your iiiPROC03 process. You will use the <RDML PAGE=""> command to include standard DEFAULT_HIDDEN as part of this page. 

1.  Using the LANSA for the Web editor, create a new HTML page. 

2.  When the new page appears, delete all of the default HTML code.

3.  Add the following lines to the page:




     Note that 'A' must precede AiiiLOGIN, to indicate that the field is alphanumeric.

4.  Save your document as iiiPROC03_HIDDEN.