Step 1 Create Fields to be used as Function Parameters

LANSA Web Functions

Step 1. Create Fields to be used as Function Parameters

In this step, you will create two fields in the LANSA Repository. The iiiDEPTWK and iiiSECTWK will be used to store the selected Department and Section. These fields will also be added to the <process_hidden> HTML you created in an earlier exercise. These fields will be required by the JavaScript written later in the exercise. 

1.  From the LANSA Development Environment, work with the fields in the LANSA Repository. Create two new fields as follows  (where iii is your course assigned ID):

Field Name


Reference Field




Field Name


Reference Field




2.  Using your LANSA for the Web HTML editor, open iiiPROC03_HIDDEN.

3.  Add the following lines (where iii is your course assigned ID):




4.  Save your document.