12 14 Integrate LANSA Applications with Static HTML Pages

LANSA Web Functions

12.14 Integrate LANSA Applications with Static HTML Pages

You can embed a LANSA application as part of your static pages or you can embed a static page into your LANSA application. This technique uses the Server Side Include (SSI) facilities provided by your Web serving product.

For more details on SSI support, refer to the Web serving product manuals.


If you want to embed a LANSA application as part of your static page, you will need to enable SSI support for that static page. In your static page, you will include a SSI instruction to execute the LANSA application. In this scenario, the HTML generated by the LANSA application will be part of the final HTML sent to the browser, incorporating the static information from the static page.

If you are only using SSI in a number of your HTML pages, it is more expedient to disable SSI Support at the system level (i.e. SSI Support is disabled in your system definition) and enable the SSI support at the HTML page level by using the <RDML SSI> tag.

If you want to enable an HTML page for SSI, make sure that the <RDML SSI> tag is at the beginning of the page.



<!-- Process  : PSLSYS  Personnel System Main Menu    -->

<!-- Function : ENROL       Enrol a New Employee      -->

<!-- Page     : 001                                   -->

An example of a SSI instruction to launch a LANSA application is:

<!--#exec cgi="CGI-BIN/LANSAWEB?procfun+products+prodcat+web"-->

Your Web Server product may not support parameter passing in the URL syntax. In this case, you will need to create a CL program which calls the LANSAWEB program.
For example, your CL program may be:



If you want to embed a static page as part of your LANSA application, you can also use the SSI feature. In this case, you will modify the HTML generated for your application to include the SSI instruction to include the static page. You must also enable the SSI support for your LANSA system.

An example of a SSI instruction to embed a static page is:

<!--#include virtual="prodinfo.htm"-->