Table of contents
Web Functions
1. Introduction to LANSA Web Functions
- 1.1 What are LANSA Web Functions?
- 1.2 Major Features of LANSA Web Functions
- 1.3 LANSA Web Function Architecture
- 1.4 What is the Web Functions Wizard?
- 1.5 Programming Language Skills
- 1.6 How Do You Develop Applications with LANSA Web Functions?
- 1.7 LANSA Web Function Transaction Server
- 1.8 WEBEVENTs or WAMs?
2. Developing Applications with LANSA Web Functions
- 2.1 Before You Begin Checklist
- 2.2 Web Enabling a LANSA Process
- 2.3 Types of Web Functions
- 2.4 Example of a Procedural Function
- 2.5 Example of a WEBEVENT Function
- 2.6 Shipped LANSA Web Function Templates
- 2.7 Compiling Functions
- 2.8 Using the e-Business Framework Wizard
- 2.9 Calling LANSA Web Processes and Functions
- 2.10 Executing Applications: Process Menu
- 2.11 Executing Applications: WEBEVENT
3. Executing LANSA Web Function Applications
- 3.1 No Existing Web Site
- 3.2 Integrating with an Existing Web Site
- 3.3 Before You Deploy Your Applications
- 3.4 Uniform Resource Locator (URL) Syntax
- 3.5 Calling a LANSA Process
- 3.6 Calling a LANSA Function Directly
- 3.7 Passing Parameters to a LANSA Function
- 3.8 Specifying a Task Identifier
- 3.9 Debugging using iSeries Batch Debug
- 3.10 Debugging using Visual LANSA
- 3.11 Invoking the iSeries Spool File Facilities
- 3.12 Event Logging
- 3.13 Enabling Event Logging
- 3.14 Logging User Defined Fields
- 4. WEBEVENT Functions
- 5. LANSA Generated HTML Pages
- 6. Default Process Pages
7. RDML Tags
- 7.1 What are LANSA Tags?
- 7.2 How Do LANSA Tags Work?
- 7.3 LANSA Tags Example
- 7.4 Using <RDML> and </RDML> Tags
- 7.11 <RDML LAYOUT>
- 7.12 <RDML MERGE>
- 7.16 <RDML ONMODE>
- 7.17 <RDML PAGE>
- 7.18 <RDML PARENT>
- 7.20 <RDML SSI>
- 7.21 <RDML TRACE>
- 7.22 Reserved Words
- 8. Graphic Variables
- 9. Web Components
10. Function Editor
- 10.1 Introduction to Web Function Editor
- 10.2 File Menu
- 10.3 Edit Menu
- 10.4 View Menu
- 10.5 Tags Menu (HTML mode)
- 10.6 Components Menu
- 10.7 Options Menu
- 10.8 Tools Menu
12. Web Development Tips & Techniques
- 12.1 HTML as Field Contents
- 12.2 Automatic Data Apportionment
- 12.3 Considerations for Browse Lists
- 12.4 Message Presentation Layout
- 12.5 Using <RDML MERGE="&END">
- 12.6 Cascading Style Sheets
- 12.7 Retrieve Additional Information from Browse List
- 12.8 Handle the ENTER key in Browsers
- 12.9 Embed a Calendar Control
- 12.10 Modify LANSA for the Web Messages
- 12.11 Set the Initial Focus in an HTML Page
- 12.12 Tailoring the DEFAULT_SCRIPT
- 12.13 Generate Static Page Output to the IFS (Integrated File System)
- 12.14 Integrate LANSA Applications with Static HTML Pages
- 12.15 CheckBox Visual Web Components
- 12.16 Extend LANSA Drop Downs
- 12.17 Modifying charset for non-English Systems
Tutorials for Web Functions & WEBEVENTs
- WEB001 - Types of LANSA Web Functions
- Web Functions Wizard Tutorials
- WEB002 - Coding a WEBEVENT Functions
- WEB003 - iSeries Batch Debug
- WEB004 - LANSA Generated HTML Pages
WEB005 - LANSA Process Pages
- Step 1. Create a Message Presentation Page for iiiPROC03
- Step 2. Create a Standard Header for Functions in Process iiiPROC03
- Step 3. Create a Standard Footer for Functions in Process iiiPROC03
- Step 4. Component Registry
- Step 5. Add the Calendar Control and Edit the Default JavaScript
- Step 6. Test the Calendar Control
- Summary
- WEB006 - Graphic Variables
- WEB007 - LANSA Tags
- WEB008 - Web Components
- WEB009 - Web Page Substitution (Optional - Advanced)
- WEB010 - Web Skeletons (iSeries)
- WEB012 - Dynamic Components
WEB013 - JavaScript and Browse Lists
- Step 1. Create Fields to be used as Function Parameters
- Step 2. Create iiiFN11 Employee List
- Step 3. Edit Process Level _SCRIPT
- Step 4. Create a Link Component
- Step 5. Modify Function iiiFN07
- Step 6. Test Changes
- Step 7. Include New Component Link into Employee Browse List
- Step 8. Build Function iiiFN12 Employee Details
- Step 9. Test Your New Functions
- Step 10. Execute function iiiFN12 from a Command Line (Optional)
- Step 11. Create Page Component for Function iiiFN12 (Optional)
- Step 12. Test Changes (Optional)
- Summary
WEB014 - Browse Lists
- Step 1. Create Page Component for Function iiiFN11
- Step 2. Test Changes
- Step 3. Create Graphic Variable for Browse List
- Step 4. Test Changes
- Step 5. Customize Browse List
- Step 6. Test Changes
- Step 7. Add Table Tags Around Browse List
- Step 8. Test Changes
- Step 9. Add Column Headings To Browse List
- Step 10. Test Your Functions
- Summary
- WEB015 - Data Apportionment
- WEB016 - Customizing Personnel Application (Optional)
- Personnel Demonstration System
- Appendix A. Header Styles
- Appendix B. LANSA for the Web XHTML
1. Introduction to LANSA Web Functions