Personnel System Demonstration Files

LANSA Web Functions

Personnel System Demonstration Files

The company has a simple organizational structure. It is divided into departments such as Administration, Audit, Information Services, Legal, Travel, etc. Each of these departments may have one or more sections such as Accounting, Purchasing, Sales, etc. The Department table (DEPTAB) stores the list of departments. The Section table (SECTAB) is used to store the sections within each department.

The Personnel Master file (PSLMST) stores details about each employee. For example, the employee's name, address, and telephone number are stored in this master file. As each employee works in a section of a department, this information is also stored in the Personnel Master file.

Each employee also has a list of skills. For example, an employee might have Cobol, C and C++ programming skills or management and administration skills. A Skills table (SKLTAB) is used to store the skill codes. A Personnel Skills file (PSLSKL) stores the specific skills of each employee.

The Personal Event Log file (PSLEVENT) allows significant events and notes to be recorded against an employee. It logically extends the PSLMST file. It is an RDMLX file and therefore will only be available in an RDMLX partition.

The Personnel Time Sheet file (PSLTIMES) records employee time sheet details. Details are recorded by week number (1 to 52) within a year for each employee. It is designed mostly for use with L/Client and to show extensive trigger power by performing relatively complex calculations and storing them in the DBMS without the application needing to know what is happening.  Note that all the data is created and stored in the DBMS when information is created or updated, which means that L/Client applications have read access to it without needing to use the triggers. It is an RDMLX file and therefore will only be available in an RDMLX partition. It contains examples of a number of RDMLX field types including BLOB.

The physical database layout follows.

Physical Database Map of Personnel System

(Including Virtual and Predetermined Join Fields)

Historical note: The LANSA Personnel Demonstration System was originally created in 1987 to execute on a System 38. This same application can still be executed on IBM i as well as Windows, WEB and Linux platforms. The original database and application are virtually unchanged but there have been some extensions to the database to demonstrate RDMLX concepts.
This shows how LANSA can protect your investment in your applications.
There are two web versions of the Personnel System, one uses WEBEVENT technology and the other uses WAMs.  These are included with the IBM i demonstration material and can be checked out to a Visual LANSA environment as required. These applications can be used to give you ideas of how to create and include the elements required for both WEBEVENT and WAM processing.
webevent (web enabled RDML or RDMLX partition):
http://<web server>/cgi-bin/lansaweb?procfun+lansadem+ldem+dem

wam (web enabled RDMLX partition, only supported for technology service LANSA:XHTML):
http://<web server>/CGI-BIN/lansaweb?webapp=LWAMDEM+webrtn=ldemhome+ml=LANSA:XHTML+part=DEX