5.8.3 Considerations for Using the HTML Skeleton
Following are some important considerations when customizing the Web skeleton:
- Never modify the shipped HTML skeleton WEBSKEL (stored in DC@F28 for the iSeries, or WEBSKEL.S for Windows) as your modifications will be overwritten when a new version is shipped.
- Save your customized skeletons in DC@W22 for the iSeries or in the source partition directory.
- As new features are added to LANSA Web functions, the default Web skeleton may change from one version to the next.
- You can use the IBM Source Edit Utility (SEU Editor) or the command Edit File (EDTF) to modify the HTML skeletons if you are using an iSeries Data/Application Server. For a Windows Server, you can use a general text editor.
- Never modify any of the special tags beginning with %, for example %W3FRM or %W3BRW.
- Be very careful with changes to the table format.
- Be sure to test your changes to the skeleton in a variety of situations.
- Make sure that all developers know when you have customized the skeleton if changes are made at the partition level.
- You can use Web components and graphic variables in your skeleton.
- Function level Web skeletons can only be created for WEBEVENT functions.
- Once changes are made to the skeleton, you must recompile your Web functions for the changes to take effect.
- If you are exporting your application, remember to export your Web skeleton if you are planning on recompiling your application.