Step 7 Add Table Tags Around Browse List

LANSA Web Functions

Step 7. Add Table Tags Around Browse List

In this step, you will correct the appearance of the browse list on the employee list screen.  You will do this by adding table tags around the browse list tag inside of the HTML component iiiFN11P.

1.  Using the LANSA for the Web Editor, open the HTML page iiiFN11P.

2.  Edit the page by placing the following open and close table tag around the browse list tag. *Hint: This tag can be recognized by searching for <RDML MERGE="@. 

<TABLE BORDER="1" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="1">



3.  Your page should contain the following code:









<TABLE BORDER="1" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="1">




4.  Save the document.