Step 2 Edit Standard Header for iiiPROC03

LANSA Web Functions

Step 2. Edit Standard Header for iiiPROC03

In this step, you will edit the standard header page to be used specifically with iiiPRO0C03 to include the iiiLOGIN field.

1.  Using the LANSA HTML editor, open the iiiPROC03_STDHEADER.

2.  Insert the bolded lines which will simply add a heading to the page (where iii is your course assigned ID):

<!--                                                   -->

<!--               LANSA for the WEB                   -->

<!--               Standard Header                     -->

<!--                                                   -->



<H4> iii LANSA Web Applications</H4>


Your login entered was: <RDML MERGE="iiiLOGIN">






4.  Save the document.