Step 3 Copy the HTML Code For Page Component iiiFN08C

LANSA Web Functions

Step 3. Copy the HTML Code For Page Component iiiFN08C

In this step, you will cut and paste the HTML code required for the iiiFN08C page component. The HTML is actually created for you by LANSA. The second REQUEST statement contains the HTML code required for the display.

1.  Using the Web Function Editor, open a new document.

2.  Delete the default HTML which appears in the new page.

3.  Open the iiiPROC03 iiiFN080002 HTML page. (This is the second REQUEST statement.)

     Copy all the HTML statements in the table definition, i.e. copy all code between the following tags


<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="3">



copy all HTML code here but do not include the table tags shown above and below





4.  Paste the HTML code into your new page. Your code should appear something like this:





<td><strong><RDML MERGE="&T0001+0001+0020"></strong></td>

<td><input name="ADEPTMENT " type="text" size="004" maxlength="004"


onfocus="SetNameLocation('ADEPTMENT ',03,29)" /></td>



<td><strong><RDML MERGE="&T0002+0021+0040"></strong></td>

<td><input name="SSTD_DATE " type="text" maxlength="008" 
align="right" <RDML MERGE="STD_DATE  " EDITCODEI="Y">

onfocus="SetNameLocation('SSTD_DATE ',04,29)" /></td>



5.  Make the following changes to the HTML:

a.    Add some text instructing the user to enter a Department Code

b.    Manually type the names of the DEPTMENT and STD_DATE fields instead of using RDML MERGE

c.  Include the Calendar button using HTML

d.  Manually type the names of thinclude the next button using your iiiWEBLINK component.

       The final pages should appear as follows (changes are in bold):



<td><strong>Enter a Department Code:</strong></td>



<td><strong>Department Code<strong></td>

<td><input name="ADEPTMENT  " type="text" size="004" maxlength="004"


onfocus="SetNameLocation('ADEPTMENT  ',03,29)" /></td>




<td><strong>Standard Date</strong></td>

<td><input name="SSTD_DATE  " type="text" maxlength="008" 
align="right" <RDML MERGE="STD_DATE  " EDITCODEI="Y">

onfocus="SetNameLocation('SSTD_DATE  ',04,29)" /></td>

<td><a href="javascript:CallCalendar()"><img src="/IMAGES/TB_CAL.GIF" alt="Calendar" border="0" width="70" height="21" hspace="0"
"0" align="left" /></a></td>



6.  Save the document as iiiFN08C with description iiiFN08 Page Component.