12 2 1 Specifying Apportionment Position

LANSA Web Functions

12.2.1 Specifying Apportionment Position

By default, LANSA for the Web uses 256 as the apportionment length. This is useful if your fields are defined to be 256 characters. This default value is not useful if your field length is less than 256 characters.

For such fields, LANSA for the Web allows you to specify the apportionment position. If a apportionment position is specified, LANSA for the Web will automatically apportion the data using the length specified.

To specify a apportionment position, the name attached to the field is modified, using the following naming convention:

<field name>-Lnnn

where <field name> is the name of the field, padding with trailing blanks to 10 characters. This means that the eleventh (11th) position of the field name must be the '-' character. The next character must be 'L', denoting apportionment length.

nnn is the desired apportionment length.

Taking the example above, if the field lengths of COMMENT, COMMENT01, etc. was 75 characters, then the HTML line defining the text area would be modified to be:

<textarea name="COMMENT    -L075" rows="6" cols="75">If an apportionment length is specified as part of the name of the text area, this apportionment length will be used by LANSA for the Web to automatically apportion the data.

If you are using large text areas in WEBEVENT functions, you may need to enable Extended Exchange.