Open chat window to an extension

IPFX Console

Open chat window to an extension

Chat enables you to chat online with another internal user.

To Chat online

  1. Click into your Directory from the Main Toolbar.
  2. Right click on the user you wish to chat with in the Directory listing
  3. Click Chat.
  4. The screen below displays.

    Type your chat conversation into the bottom section.

  5. Click Send.
  6. An 'Alert' notification will populate the screen of the user you sent your chat to as follows:

  7. When the user in question replies, you will receive a text reply within your screen as follows:

  8. You can continue the chat conversation by entering information and clicking the Send key.

See Also

Using the Directory

Searching within Company Directory

Sorting the Directory

Searching the Directory within a Single Field

Searching the Directory: Quick Search over Multiple Fields

Dialling from the Directory

Send e-mail to an extension

Changing an extension's properties

Filtering the Directory