Running a Report with a Predefined Data Setup

Alchemex 7.1

Home > Report Designer > Running a Report with a Predefined Data Setup

Running a Report with a Predefined Data Setup

  1. Open the Report Manager.
  2. Select the report you wish to run and click the green run button.
  3. Please note if you have unmapped accounts the mapping tool will open. (See  Mapping tool section). Once you have mapped your accounts you can continue to design your report.
  4. The data will be rendered into Microsoft Excel.
  5. You can now use the Report Designer to generate a report or edit a report layout.
  6. To generate a report from the BI Tools tab, simply select Quick Generate, and a drop down menu will appear. Select the report layout you wish to generate.


    Alternatively you can Launch the  Report Designer and choose to Generate or Edit the report layout.

  7. If you choose this option you will be taken to the Main Menu, where you will choose Load Layout.

  8. The menu interface will then come up, from here you can choose to Generate, Edit, Copy or Delete a layout.

  9. If you select Generate the desired report layout will be delivered in Microsoft Excel.