Account Filters

Alchemex 7.1

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Account Filters

Most organizations use an account structure that separates business entities into different categories.  A fully qualified account contains a value for the natural segment eg. Cash or Sales, as well as values for additional segments, eg. Location, Division and Department.  The following figure demonstrates how the natural segment and the Identifying segments combine to form a fully qualified account number.

The distinction between the natural and identifying segment is critical to the successful use of the Report Designer.  Typically users specify the natural segment in a row definition and the identifying segment in a reporting tree definition.  When reports are generated, these values combine to pull specific financial records from the source.

Reporting Trees support the use of special characters as a way to identify multiple segment values without specifically naming each one.


Character Function

?     Question Mark

A placeholder for a single character in a segment.
In the above example, the value "1100-2???-100"  will return all data with a segment range between "1100-2000-100"  to "1100-2999-100" which will be all retail sales cash transactions from all branches with codes between 2000 and 2999.
*     Asterisk A placeholder for one or more characters.
In the above example, the value "1100-2000-*" will return all data with a segment range between "1100-2000-0" to "1100-2000-999" which will be all cash transactions from all departments in New York.
OR Used to describe multiple segments.
In the above example, the value "1100-2000-100 OR 1100-2000-200" will return all data with a segment of either 1100-2000-100 or a segment range of 1100-2000-200 which will be all retail sales cash transactions from New York branch or wholesale sales cash transactions from New York (if 200 represented wholesale sales)
TO Used to describe a range of segments.
In the above example, the value "1100-1???-100? TO 1100-8???-100" will return all data with a segment range from 1100-2000-100 to 1100-8999-100 which will be all cash retail sales from all branches whose branch segments range from 1000 to 8999.