Advanced settings

Alchemex 7.1

Home > Tutorials > Report Manager Tutorial > Advanced Report Settings > Advanced Settings

Adjusting the Output with Advanced Options


Once a report has been created the output can be adjusted by using the following options:

  • Filters Filters enable you to refine or limit the rows of data that will be displayed in the report by setting criteria
  • Sort
    You are able to set the sort order of your data prior to it being exported to Microsoft Excel
  • Parameters
    Parameters enable you to refine or limit the rows of data, but unlike filters, the criteria are set at run time
  • Aggregate Functions
    Aggregate functions enable you to summarise data using one of a number of functions, for example Sum or Average, prior to the data being rendered to Microsoft Excel
  • Aggregate filters
    Aggregate filters enable you to refine or limit rows of data based on aggregation criteria. For example, you may only want to view values of a particular field if they are greater than the average of the field

Exercises Overview

The following exercises will show you how to use these options when creating reports.
