Home > Tutorials > Connector Tutorial > Add a Data Expression > Editing Data Expression Properties
Editing Data Expression Properties
Like other elements in the object window, once a data expression is selected, properties are displayed on the right of the screen. Read through the help topic: Data Expressions to familiarize yourself with the nature of each data expression property.
You are also able to update and maintain your Data Expressions by doing the following:
- Rename an Expression
- Copy an Expression
- Delete an Expression
Exercise 1: Rename a data expression
Field names in databases are often difficult to interpret. Using user-friendly names enables you to understand the field's contents more easily. For example we are unable to tell from the expression Name whether the expression refers to a customer name or salesman name. Changing the expression: Name to Customer Name makes the expression less ambiguous.
Rename the following data expressions:
- Current Name to New Name
- Name to Customer Name
- TotalTax to TotalVAT
- CustSuppID to Customer Code
Step-by-Step Solution
- Right-click on the data expression to be renamed.
- Select Rename. The Rename dialog box is displayed.
- Enter the new name and click OK. The new name is displayed.
Exercise 2: Copying and renaming data expressions
You are only able to create special expressions, for example, formulas and SQL expressions from a copy of existing data expressions. An existing expression is copied and changed to a special expression.
- Copy the TotalVAT expression and paste it into the same data container
- Rename the new expression TotalVAT2
Step-by-Step Solution
- Right-click the expression TotalTax and select Copy.
- Right-click on the data container: Customer Documents and select Paste. The copy of the expression is pasted below the container.
- Right-click the expression and select Rename.
- Enter the new name: TotalVAT2 in the Rename dialog box and click OK.
Exercise 3: Deleting data expressions
Delete the following expressions:
- ID
- TotalVAT2
Step-by-Step Solution
- Right-click on the expression.
- Click Delete.
- Click Yes to confirm the deletion.