Home > Tutorials > Connector Tutorial > Add a Data Container > Add a Data Container
Add a Data Container
In order to gain access to all the information in the DocumentHeader, we need access to the DocumentHeader table. The following exercises take you through this process.
What is a data container?
A data container is a published Table, View or Dataset (based on a join) that can be used as the source of data for a report.
What type of data containers are there?
Database Table
A single database table
SQL Join
A join between two or more tables using SQL syntax
View or Query
A view or query that exists in the database
Graphical Join
A join between two or more tables using a graphical join tool
Exercise 1: Add a data container using a single table as the source
- Create a data container that adds the DocumentHeader table to the Sage Intelligence Reporting Tutorial connection.
- Sample this data container to ensure that it is returning the correct data.
Use the help topics: Add Data Containers and Sample Data to assist you with this task.
Step by Step Solution:
- Right-click on the data connection Sage Intelligence Reporting Tutorial.
- Select Add data Containers.
- Select Table and click OK.
- Check DocumentHeader and click OK. The DocumentHeader container is displayed under the data connection link.
Right-click on the DocumentHeader container and select Sample Data. The sampled data from the DocumentHeader table is displayed in a property window.
Tip: To view all data in the window, use the scrollbars to navigate.
- Click the Close button in the Sample window. The Sample Data window is closed.