Report Tools

Alchemex 7.1

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Report Tools

Report Tools is a drop down menu found in the Add-Ins tab in Microsoft Excel.  This includes the standard Sage Intelligence Reporting add-ins.

  • Drill-Down - allows Sage Intelligence Reporting to interrogate data directly from within your Microsoft Excel reports. A common scenario might be where one high level report needs to drill down to line level transactional data in other reports. As a fast interrogation method the Drill-Down tool allows individual reports to be executed with parameters based on Microsoft Excel cell values.
  • Hide Zero Rows - is an add-in which can aid in the analysis of data. Specifically the tool allows rows within a selection to be hidden based on a Zero value in a specified column. This can be particularly useful when viewing financial type reports.
  • Quick Pivot – is a fast tracking reporting wizard which you can use to very quickly create a Pivot Table from your raw data.
  • Format Pivot – allows you to format your Pivot Table.