Creating advanced reports: Sub query part 1

Alchemex 7.1

Home > Tutorials > Report Manager Tutorial > Creating Advanced Reports > Creating Sub-Query Reports > Creating Advanced Reports: Sub Query Part 1

Part 1: Creating a Sub-Query Report

Step 1: Create the sub-query report

Use the Sub-Query Reports Help file to assist you with this task. Create the following sub-query report:

  • Report Name: Sub-Query - Credit Notes
  • Source Container: Customer Documents
  • Display Field: OrderNo

Step-by-Step Solution

  1. Right-click the Training folder and select Add Sub Query Report option.
  2. Enter the name: Sub-Query - Credit Notes for the report in the Enter a Name dialog box and click OK.
  3. Select the CustomerDocuments container from the Select a Data Container dialog box.
  4. Select DocType from the Display Name dialog box. The sub-query is displayed under the Training folder.

Step 2: Set the Filter

Set a filter with the following parameters:

  • Filter:DocType is equal to CRN

Step-by-Step Solution:

  1. Select the Sub-Query Report and click the Filter tab.
  2. Click the Add button.
  3. Select the DocType field from the Choose a Field Filter dialog box.
  4. Select the Equal to operator from the Comparison Method dialog box.
  5. Enter CRN in the Comparison Value dialog box and click OK. The filter is displayed in the Filter tab.

Step 3: Run the sub-query report

Run the report to ensure that the results of the sub-query are correct.

Step-by-Step Solution:

  1. Select the Sub-Query Report and click the Run button. The report is run and the results are displayed in Microsoft Excel.

    Ensure the data displayed in the Microsoft Excel workbook is correct, then close the workbook without saving any changes.

  2. Note: This sub-query report will be used in the next exercise.

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