IO Libraries:
To easily configure and verify an interface connection between the 34980A and your PC, you can use the Agilent IO Libraries Suite (E2094M Agilent IO Libraries for Windows) or an equivalent. For more information about Agilent's I/O connectivity software, go to
Agilent IO Libraries Suite for Windows
® 98/2000/ME/XP. For more information and to install this software, see the Automation-Ready CD, which is shipped with your 34980A. Previous versions of the Agilent IO Libraries for Windows
® 98/NT/2000/ME/XP. For more information and to download this software from the Web, go to
For information on connecting instruments to USB, LAN, and GPIB and how to configure and troubleshoot these interfaces, refer to the Agilent Connectivity Guide. If you have installed the Agilent IO Libraries Suite, you can access the guide from the Agilent IO Libraries Control icon. Or you can download the guide from the Web at
Instrument Drivers:
To communicate programmatically with the 34980A, you can use either the SCPI instrument command language or the provided instrument drivers. The following table shows the instrument drivers currently available for the 34980A.
Programming Environment |
Supported Drivers |
Microsoft |
Microsoft |
Microsoft |
Agilent VEE |
National Instruments LabVIEW |
LabVIEW Plug&Play (native mode), IVI-C |
National Instruments LabWindows/CVI |
To install the instrument drivers and their associated Help files, see the 34980A Product Reference CD-ROM. Or, you can download the drivers from the Web at
The following documentation is available in Adobe
34980A Mainframe User’s Guide
34980A Command Quick Reference Guide
34980A Product Data Sheet
Application Notes
34980A Plug-In Module Wiring Logs
For information on connecting instruments to USB, LAN, and GPIB interfaces and how to configure and troubleshoot these interfaces, refer to the Agilent Connectivity Guide. If you have installed the Agilent IO Libraries Suite, you can access the guide from the Agilent IO Libraries Control icon. Or, you can download the guide from the Web at
For detailed information on configuring, wiring and operating the plug-in modules, see the User's Guides specific to the individual modules or module families.
The Agilent 34980A provides a Web Interface which is built into the
instrument. You can use this interface over LAN for remote access and
control of the instrument via a Java
To access and use the 34980A Web Interface:
Establish a LAN interface connection from your PC to the 34980A.
Open your PC's Web browser.
Launch the 34980A Web Interface by entering the IP address of your 34980A, or its fully-qualified host name, in the browser address field.
Follow the instructions in the 34980A Web Interface's on-line Help.
For more information on using the 34980A Web Interface, see the 34980A Getting Started Guide.
To help you get started with programming the 34980A, we have developed a series of programming examples for the following environments:
® Visual C Microsoft
® Visual Basic Microsoft
® Excel Agilent VEE
National Instruments LabVIEW
To install the programming examples, see the 34980A Product Reference CD-ROM. Or, you can download the examples from the Web at
Agilent 34980A Multifunction Switch/Measure Unit |
This Help file contains reference information to help you program the Agilent 34980A over the remote interface using the SCPI programming language. The 34980A supports the SCPI command language on all of its remote I/O interfaces.
Introduction to the SCPI Language
Plug-In Module Reference Information
For information on configuring the remote I/O interfaces, see the Agilent 34980A Mainframe User's Guide. |
Related Information
IO Libraries and Instrument Drivers
Agilent 34980A Web Browser Interface
© Agilent Technologies, Inc. 2004-2008 |
Version 2.1 |