


SOURce:FUNCtion:TRIGger:SOURce <source>, (@<ch_list>)

SOURce:FUNCtion:TRIGger:SOURce? (@<ch_list>)


This command selects the trigger source for enabling outputs from the specified channels on the 34951A Isolated DAC Module (used in level mode and trace mode). The module will accept an immediate (continuous) trigger, a software (bus) command, or an external TTL trigger pulse.

Used With:

  • 34951A Isolated DAC Module




Range of Values

Default Value







One or more channels in the form (@sccc).
Select from s001, s002, s003, or s004.

This is a required parameter


  • For the IMMediate (continuous) source, the trigger signal is always present. When you enable the output (see OUTPut[:STATe] command), the voltage/current level or trace waveform is output.

  • For the MANual (software) source, the output is triggered by the SOURce:FUNCtion:TRIGger:IMMediate command received over the remote interface. The SOURce:FUNCtion:TRIGger:IMMediate command will not be accepted unless the output is enabled (see OUTPut[:STATe] command).

  • For the EXTernal source, the module will accept a hardware trigger pulse applied to the module (Pin 25 on the module's D-Sub connector). If the output is enabled (see OUTPut[:STATe] command), the module will output the voltage/current level or trace waveform when a rising-edge TTL pulse is received. The maximum rate for reloading a waveform is 1 second. Therefore, an external trigger may not be recognized if it comes too quickly.

  • To configure the 34951A to output an external trigger signal (used for synchronizing multiple 34951A modules), select the EXTernal source. See the SOURce:MODule:TRIGger:OUTPut command for more information. Note that when an external trigger output is issued, all channels on the module configured for an external trigger input will also be triggered.

  • A Factory Reset (*RST command), Instrument Preset (SYSTem:PRESet command), and Card Reset (SYSTem:CPON command) will reset the clock source to IMMediate. In addition, storing the instrument state (*SAV command) will reset the clock source to IMMediate.

Return Format

The query command returns the present clock source: "IMM", "MAN", or "EXT". Multiple responses are separated by commas.


The following command selects the external trigger source on DAC channels 1 and 2 in slot 4.  


The following query returns the trigger source in use on DAC channels 1 and 2 in slot 4.

SOUR:FUNC:TRIG:SOUR? (@4001,4002)

Typical Response:  EXT,EXT

See Also
