This command reads the instrument's (mainframe) identification string which contains four comma-separated fields. The first field is the manufacturer's name, the second field is the instrument model number, the third field is the serial number, and the fourth field is a firmware revision code which contains four codes separated by dashes.
Return Format
The command returns a string with the following format (the response will be less than or equal to 72 characters).
Agilent Technologies,34980A,<Serial
m.mm |
= Mainframe revision number |
b.bb |
= Boot code revision number |
f.ff |
= Front-panel revision number |
d.dd |
= Internal DMM revision number |
The following query returns the instrument's identification string.
Typical Response: Agilent Technologies,34980A,MY12345678,1.00-1.00-2.00-1.00