CALibration:POINt? <value>
This command follows the CALibration:BEGin[:VOLTage] command in the voltage calibration sequence for the specified DAC channel on the 34952A Multifunction Module. To complete the voltage calibration sequence, you will send the CALibration:POINt? command twice, once for the zero adjustment and once for the gain adjustment.
For a more detailed discussion of the calibration procedures, see the Agilent 34980A Service Guide. Please refer to that guide before attempting to calibrate the instrument as improper use of the CALibration commands can adversely affect the accuracy and reliability of the instrument. |
Name |
Type |
Range of Values |
Default Value |
<value> |
Numeric |
Measured voltage output from the DAC channel specified in CALibration:BEGin[:VOLTage] command. |
This is a required parameter |
Before you can calibrate the specified DAC channel, you must unsecure the instrument by entering the correct security (see CALibration:SECure:STATe command).
You can calibration only one DAC channel at a time.
Use the CALibration:ABORt command to abort a calibration in progress.
This command increments the calibration count on the 34952A (see CALibration:COUNt? command).
Return Format
As part of the voltage calibration sequence, you will execute the CALibration:POINt? command twice (following the CALibration:BEGin[:VOLTage] command). After the first time (zero adjustment), the command returns "+1" indicating that one calibration point remains. After the second time (gain adjustment), the command returns "+0" indicating that the adjustment is complete on this DAC channel.
The following command initiates a voltage calibration on the specified DAC channel and then computes the corresponding calibration constants.
CAL:BEGIN:VOLT 1,(@5006) !Begin
<measure DAC output for zero adjustment>
CAL:POIN? <value> !Should
return "+1"
<measure DAC output for gain adjustment>
CAL:POIN? <value> !Should
return "+0"