This command performs a complete self-test of the instrument and all installed plug-in modules and returns a pass/fail indication. The self-test runs a series of tests and will take approximately 20 seconds to complete. If all tests pass, you can have a high confidence that the instrument and all installed plug-in modules are operational.
The self-test will abort if any signals are connected to ABus1 via the rear-panel Analog Bus connector (pins 4, 5, and 9). Be sure to disconnect any signals from ABus1 prior to running the self-test. |
On the 34945A Microwave Switch/Attenuator Driver, this command performs a self-test of the 34945A and all connected 34945EXT remote modules.
If you have a 34951A Isolated DAC Module installed, the self-test will require an additional 15 seconds to complete per DAC module (a memory test is performed).
If one or more tests fail, "+1" is returned and an error is stored in the error queue. For a complete listing of the error messages related to self-test failures, see SCPI Error Messages.
If one or more tests fail, see the Agilent 34980A Service Guide for instructions on returning the instrument to Agilent for service.
Following the *TST? command, the instrument issues a Factory Reset (*RST command).
Return Format
The command returns "+0" (all tests passed) or "+1" (one or more tests failed).
The following command performs a self-test and returns a pass/fail indication.
Typical Response: +0