


[SENSe:]DIGital:MEMory:SAMPle:COUNt {<count>|MIN|MAX|DEF|INFinity}, (@<ch_list>)

[SENSe:]DIGital:MEMory:SAMPle:COUNt? [{MIN|MAX},] (@<ch_list>)


This command sets the number of samples to capture for buffered (memory) input operations on the 34950A Digital I/O Module. The specified sample count can be set at any time, but it will not take effect until the next time you enable memory (see [SENSe:]DIGital:MEMory:ENABle command). The width of the first channel in each bank (i.e., channels 101 and 201) controls the width of the memory operations (64K x 8 Bits, 64K x 16 Bits, or 32K x 32 Bits). The first channel on the specified bank must be configured as an input prior to starting a buffered read (see CONFigure:DIGital command).

Used With:

  • 34950A Digital I/O Module




Range of Values

Default Value



Desired sample count between 1 and 65535 (for 8- and 16-bit widths) or 32767 (for 32-bit widths).

MIN = 1, MAX = 65535 (32767 for 32-bit widths), INF = continuous

0 (continuous)



The first channel on a bank in the form (@sccc).
Select from s101 or s201.

This is a required parameter


  • Depending on the width specified (see CONFigure:DIGital:WIDTh command), the channel numbering is modified as shown below. For example, if you specify the width as a 16-bit WORD, channels 101 and 102 are combined and addressed collectively as channel 101.  


Bank 2

Bank 1

BYTE (8 Bits):

Ch 204

Ch 203

Ch 202

Ch 201

Ch 104

Ch 103

Ch 102

Ch 101

WORD (16 Bits):

Ch 203

Ch 201

Ch 103

Ch 101

LWORd (32 Bits):

Ch 201

Ch 101

  • If you specify an infinite sample count (default, INFinity or "0"), the bank will continue to capture data until you perform a stop operation using the [SENSe:]DIGital:MEMory:STOP command. If memory overflows, the newest data will overwrite the first (oldest) data stored. The most recent data is always preserved.

  • After specifying the desired sample count, you can use the [SENSe:]DIGital:MEMory:STARt command to start the buffered input operation.

  • For buffered input transfers, the oldest data is stored at index zero (0). You can use the [SENSe:]DIGital:MEMory[:DATA]? command to perform a non-destructive read of the data stored in memory. Or, use the [SENSe:]DIGital:MEMory:CLEar command to clear the memory.

  • You can use the [SENSe:]DIGital:MEMory[:DATA]:POINts? command to read the number of samples currently stored in memory.

  • The selected sample count is stored in volatile memory and will be set to 0 (continuous) when power is turned off or after a Factory Reset (*RST command).

Return Format

The query command returns the sample count for each channel specified. Multiple responses are separated by commas. For a continuous count ("0" or INFinity), the query command returns "0".


The following program segment sets the sample count on channels 101 and 201 on the module in slot 3.  

CONF:DIG:WIDTH WORD,(@3101,3201)  !Width = 16 bits
DIG:MEM:SAMP:COUN 200,(@3101,3201)
 !Sample count = 200
DIG:MEM:ENAB ON,(@3101,3201)  !Enable buffered reads
DIG:MEM:STAR (@3101,3201)  !Start buffered reads

The following query returns the sample count on channels 101 and 201 on the module in slot 3.

DIG:MEM:SAMP:COUN? (@3101,3201)

Typical Response:  200,200

See Also








