This command returns "1" to the output buffer at the completion of the current operation.
For more information on the SCPI Status System for the AgilentĀ 34980A, see Status System Introduction. |
The purpose of this command is to synchronize your application with the instrument.
Note the difference between the *OPC? command and the *OPC command which sets the "Operation Complete" bit (bit 0) in the Standard Event register at the completion of the current operation.
For overlapped switching operations, the ROUTe:MODule:WAIT? command is similar to *OPC?. See the ROUTe:OPERation:OVERlap[:ENABle] command for more information on enabling the overlapped mode.
Return Format
The command returns "1" to the output buffer.
The following command waits until channel 1 on the module in slot 2 is fully closed and then sends "1" to the output buffer.
ROUT:CLOS (@2001); *OPC?