


SOURce:FUNCtion:SAMPle:PERiod {<period>|MIN|MAX|DEF}, (@<ch_list>)

SOURce:FUNCtion:SAMPle:PERiod? [{MIN|MAX}, ] (@<ch_list>)


This command sets the internal sample period for trace outputs on the specified channels on the 34951A Isolated DAC Module. The specified period sets the time between consecutive trace values in memory, independent of the number of waveform points.

Used With:

  • 34951A Isolated DAC Module




Range of Values

Default Value



Desired period in seconds. Specify any value between 5 µs and 200 seconds, with 10 ns resolution.

MIN =5 µs , MAX = 200 seconds

5 µs



One or more channels in the form (@sccc).
Select from s001, s002, s003, or s004.

This is a required parameter


  • This command is similar to the SOURce:FUNCtion:FREQuency command, which sets the frequency of trace waveform. However, since the frequency is a function of the sample period and the number of points in the trace waveform, you must first associated a trace name with the specified channels (see SOURce:FUNCtion:TRACe[:NAME] command).

  • This command is valid only with an INTernal clock source (see SOURce:FUNCtion:CLOCk:SOURce command). If you have set the clock source to EXTernal or STEP, the specified sample period is ignored (but the period will be applied if you change the clock source back to INTernal).

  • All of the built-in waveforms are 1 cycle in length (see TRACe[:DATA]:FUNCtion command).

  • A Factory Reset (*RST command), Instrument Preset (SYSTem:PRESet command), and Card Reset (SYSTem:CPON command) will reset the sample period to 5 µs. In addition, storing the instrument state (*SAV command) will reset the sample period to 5 µs.

Return Format

The query command returns the sample period in the form "+5.00000000E-06" for each DAC channel specified. Multiple responses are separated by commas.


The following command sets the sample period to 5 ms on DAC channels 1 and 2 in slot 4.

SOUR:FUNC:SAMP:PER 5E-3,(@4001,4002)

The following query returns the sample period on DAC channels 1 and 2 in slot 4.

SOUR:FUNC:SAMP:PER? (@4001,4002)

Typical Response:  +5.00000000E-03,+5.00000000E-03

See Also

