This command reads and clears one event from the instrument's Module Event queue. A record of up to 20 events can be stored in the event queue.
For more information on the SCPI Status System for the Agilent 34980A, see Status System Introduction. |
Module events are retrieved in first-in-first-out (FIFO) order and are cleared when you read them. The first event returned is the first event that was stored.
Up to 20 events can be logged in the module event queue. If more than 20 events are detected, they will be lost (only the first 20 events are saved).
Most of the plug-in modules have defined events that are logged in the event queue. For module-specific event definitions, see Plug-In Module Event Register Information.
The module event queue is cleared by the *CLS (Clear Status) command and when power is cycled. The events are also cleared when you read the module event queue. The module event queue is not cleared by a Factory Reset (*RST command) or an Instrument Preset (SYSTem:PRESet command).
Return Format
This command returns an ASCII string enclosed in double quotes. One string is returned each time this command is executed. If no events have been detected, a null string ( " " ) is returned. The command reads the event data and clears one event from the queue.
For example:
1 Event Description (Short Form) |
4 Date (November 21, 2004) |
2 Mainframe Slot Number |
5 Time of Day (3:30:23.000 PM) |
3 Event Description (Long Form) |
The following query reads and clears one event (the quotes are also returned).
Typical Response: "OverVoltage,6,Over-voltage detected,2004,11,21,15,54,50.184"