CONFigure:DIGital:HANDshake:DRIVe <mode>, (@<ch_list>)
CONFigure:DIGital:HANDshake:DRIVe? (@<ch_list>)
This command selects the drive mode for any handshake lines that are outputs on the 34950A Digital I/O Module. In the "active" drive mode, the output handshake lines are driven directly by the module. In the "open collector" drive mode, the output handshake lines are driven low by the module, but will go to a high-impedance state when asserted (external pullup resistors are required). Since handshaking is used for transfers involving the first channel on a bank only, this command must be directed to the first channel (i.e., channel 101 or 201 only) and extends to all channels involved in the channel width (see CONFigure:DIGital:WIDTh command).
The handshake lines and the INTR (interrupt) lines on each bank share their drive mode. |
Used With:
34950A Digital I/O Module
Name |
Type |
Range of Values |
Default Value |
<mode> |
Discrete |
{ACTive|OCOLlector} |
ACTive |
The first channel on a bank in the form (@sccc).
This is a required parameter
The behavior of the handshake lines depends on whether buffered memory input/output operations are enabled (see [SENSe:]DIGital:MEMory:ENABle and SOURce:DIGital:MEMory:ENABle commands).
H0 Line
H1 Line
H2 Line
Unbuffered Transfers
I/O Direction (output)
Strobe (output)
Not Used (Hi-Z)
Buffered Transfers
Start/Stop (output)
Strobe (output)
Input Strobe (input)
When using the "open collector" drive mode, note that handshaking operations will be somewhat slower than when using the "active" mode.
The selected drive mode is stored in volatile memory and will be set to "ACT" when power is turned off or after a Factory Reset (*RST command).
Return Format
The query command returns "ACT" or "OCOL" for the specified channels. Multiple responses are separated by commas.
The following program segment selects the open collector drive mode on channel 101 on the module in slot 3.
CONF:DIG:WIDTH WORD,(@3101) !Width
= 16 bits
The following query returns the drive mode for channel 101 on the module in slot 3.
Typical Response: OCOL
See Also