CALibration:MODule? [{<slot>|ALL}]
This command performs an auto-calibration of all four channels on the 34951A Isolated DAC Module in the specified slot. Since the calibration will take several seconds to complete, you may want to increase the timeout value of your programming application prior to sending this command.
For a more detailed discussion of the calibration procedures, see the Agilent 34980A Service Guide. Please refer to that guide before attempting to calibrate the instrument as improper use of the CALibration commands can adversely affect the accuracy and reliability of the instrument. |
Because the calibration uses the internal DMM, the calibration will abort if any signals are connected to ABus1 via the rear-panel Analog Bus connector (pins 4, 5, and 9). Be sure to disconnect any signals from ABus1 prior to running the calibration. |
Name |
Type |
Range of Values |
Default Value |
<slot> |
Discrete |
{1-8|SLOT1-SLOT8|ALL} |
ALL (calibrate all installed 34951A modules) |
If the instrument is unsecured (CALibration:SECure:STATe command), the calibration constants are stored in non-volatile memory on the module. If the module is secured, the calibration constants are stored in volatile memory and are lost when power is turned off (a *RST command will not erase the calibration constants).
The internal DMM is an optional assembly for the Agilent 34980A. An error is generated if the internal DMM is disabled (see INSTrument:DMM[:STATe] command) or not installed in the mainframe.
If a calibration fails, "+1" is returned and an error is stored in the error queue. For a complete listing of the error messages related to calibration failures, see SCPI Error Messages.
To calibrate the internal DMM, use the CALibration? command.
To calibrate the DAC channels on the 34952A Multifunction Module, use the CALibration:BEGin[:VOLTage] and CALibration:POINt? commands.
This command increments the calibration count (see CALibration:COUNt? command) on the mainframe and the 34951A only if the instrument is unsecured.
Return Format
The command returns "+0" (calibration passed) or "+1" (calibration failed).
The following command performs a calibration of the 34951A installed in slot 5 and returns a pass/fail indication.
Typical Response: +0