


ROUTe:CHANnel:DRIVe:TIME:RECovery {<seconds>|MIN|MAX|DEF}, (@<ch_list>)

ROUTe:CHANnel:DRIVe:TIME:RECovery? [{MIN|MAX}, ] (@<ch_list>)


This command sets the minimum recovery time for the drive power supply on the specified channels on the 34945A Microwave Switch/Attenuator Driver. The specified recovery time is inserted prior to driving a channel. For pulsed operations (see ROUTe:CHANnel:DRIVe:PULSe[:MODE] command), the recovery time begins with the falling edge of the drive pulse. For non-pulsed (continuous) operations, the recovery time begins with the initiation of the drive signal. See the Agilent 34980A User's Guide for more information.

Used With:

  • 34945A Microwave Switch/Attenuator Driver




Range of Values

Default Value



Desired recovery time in seconds between 0 seconds and 255 ms, with 1 ms resolution.

MIN = 0 seconds, MAX = 255 ms

0 seconds



One or more channels in the form (@srcc).

Bank 1:

sr01 through sr08
11 through sr18

Bank 2:

sr21 through sr28
31 through sr38

Bank 3:

sr41 through sr48
51 through sr58

Bank 4:

sr61 through sr68
71 through sr78

s: Mainframe slot number (1 through 8)
: 34945EXT remote module (1 through 8) 

This is a required parameter


  • The overall time required to drive a channel is the sum of the pulse width (see ROUTe:CHANnel:DRIVe:PULSe:WIDTh command) and the power supply recovery time. Note that if both values are set to their upper limits (255 ms each) for all channels, the time required to reset/preset (or boot) the module will be significant – as shown below, the time may exceed 30 seconds:

        64 Channels x (255 ms Pulse Width + 255 ms Recovery Time) = ~33 seconds

  • If you are operating the 34945EXT Master module from the INTernal (mainframe) drive source (see ROUTe:RMODule:DRIVe:SOURce[:IMMediate] command), the specified recovery time is the minimum time to be imposed between channel operations. If necessary, the 34945EXT Master module will insert an additional delay to maintain the 34980A's power supply limitations.

  • The ROUTe:RMODule:DRIVe:LIMit command sets the number of simultaneous coil activations allowed on a given 34945EXT remote mode. The specified limit will be temporarily suspended to allow for any channel that has an associated non-zero recovery time.

  • If you are using a settling time (see ROUTe:CHANnel:DRIVe:TIME:SETTle command) in conjunction with a recovery time, the module will use the longer of the two to determine when the channel operation is considered "done" and when the verification operation will begin.

  • The recovery time setting is stored in non-volatile memory on the 34945EXT remote module. The default recovery time of 0 seconds is set by the SYSTem:RMODule:RESet and ROUTe:RMODule:BANK:PRESet commands.

Return Format

The query command returns the recovery time in seconds in the form "+1.00000000E+00" for each channel specified. Multiple responses are separated by commas.


The following command sets the recovery time to 8 ms on channels 01 and 02 on Bank 2 on 34945EXT remote module #2 (slot 3).  

ROUT:CHAN:DRIV:TIME:REC .008,(@3201,3202)

The following query returns the recovery time on channels 01 and 02 on Bank 2 on 34945EXT remote module #2 (slot 3).


Typical Response:  +8.00000000E-03,+8.00000000E-03

See Also



