TRACe:CATalog? {(@<channel>)|<slot>}
This command returns a list of trace names currently downloaded to volatile memory.
Used With:
34950A Digital I/O Module (digital output channels only)
34951A Isolated DAC Module
Name |
Type |
Range of Values |
Default Value |
<channel> 34950A Only |
Numeric |
One channel in the form (@sccc). Select from s101 through s104, s201 through s204. |
This is a required parameter |
<slot> |
Discrete |
{1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8} |
This is a required parameter |
Use the TRACe:DELete[:NAME] command to delete traces from memory.
Use the TRACe:POINts? command to determine the number of points used by a specific trace name.
Each bank on the 34950A has its own memory (64K bytes each) for use in buffered output transfers. You can download up to 32 traces into each bank.
You can store up to 512,000 trace points per 34951A module.
For the 34950A, if you change the width of a bank (see CONFigure:DIGital:WIDTh command), all traces in memory are cleared.
A Factory Reset (*RST command), Instrument Preset (SYSTem:PRESet command), and Card Reset (SYSTem:CPON command) deletes the trace from memory and removes all trace name associations. In addition, storing the instrument state (*SAV command) will delete the trace from memory and remove all trace name associations.
Return Format
This command reads the trace names currently assigned and returns a comma-separated list. If the specified slot has no trace names assigned, a null string ( " " ) is returned
The following command returns a list of trace names downloaded to channel 101 on the 34950A in slot 3.
TRAC:CAT? (@3101)
Typical Response: PATTERN_1,DOUT1
The following command returns a list of trace names downloaded to the 34951A in slot 4 (the quotes are also returned).
Typical Response: "SIN","SQU","TEST_WFORM"