TRACe[:DATA]:FUNCtion <slot>, <type>, <name>, <points>
This command generates trace data based on several built-in standard waveforms on the 34951A Isolated DAC Module in the specified slot. The data generated is between -1 and +1 and you can download between 8 and 512,000 points. All of the built-in waveforms are 1 cycle in length.
When using traces with a large number of points, it will take an appreciable amount of time to download the points to the module (the download rate is approximately 10,000 points per second). Therefore, when downloading large traces, you may want to increase the timeout value of your programming application and use the *OPC? command to indicate the completion of the download. |
Name |
Type |
Range of Values |
Default Value |
<slot> |
Discrete |
{1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8} |
This is a required parameter |
<type> |
Discrete |
{RAMP|SINusoid|SQUare|TRIangle} |
This is a required parameter |
<name> |
ASCII String |
A trace name consisting of up to 12 characters. The first character must be a letter (A-Z), but the remaining 11 characters can be letters, numbers (0-9), or an underscore ( _ ). Blank spaces are not allowed. |
This is a required parameter |
<points> |
Numeric |
The length of the trace between 8 and 512,000 points. |
This is a required parameter |
The trace values generated by this command correspond to the peak values of the trace output mode (see SOURce:MODE command). For example, "-1.0" corresponds to -1 Vdc in the VOLTage mode or -1 mA in the CURRent mode.
You can store up to 32 traces in volatile memory on the 34951A module. Use the TRACe:DELete[:NAME] command to delete traces from memory.
If the specified number of points is greater than the amount of available memory on the module, an error will be generated.
After downloading the trace values to memory, use the SOURce:FUNCtion:TRACe[:NAME] command to select the active trace, the SOURce:FUNCtion:ENABle command to enable the trace mode, and then the OUTPut:STATe ON command to output the trace from the specified channels.
To set the gain of the trace output, use the SOURce:FUNCtion:VOLTage:GAIN and SOURce:FUNCtion:CURRent:GAIN commands.
To set the offset of the trace output, use the SOURce:FUNCtion:VOLTage:OFFSet and SOURce:FUNCtion:CURRent:OFFSet commands.
The following program segment downloads a 1000-point sine waveform to memory on the module in slot 4 and outputs the waveform from DAC channel 1. The trace name is "TEST_SINE".
4,SIN, TEST_SINE, 1000 !Download
1000-point sine to memory
trace to channel 1
OUTP:STAT ON,(@4001) !Enable
outputs from channel 1
SOUR:FUNC:ENAB ON,(@4001) !Enable
trace mode on channel 1
See Also