STATus:OPERation:ENABle <enable_value>
This command enables bits in the enable register for the Standard Operation Register group. The selected bits are then reported to the Status Byte.
For more information on the SCPI Status System for the Agilent 34980A, see the Status System Diagram. |
Used With:
34921A through 34925A Multiplexer Modules
34950A Digital I/O Module (digital input and counter channels only)
34952A Multifunction Module (digital input and totalizer channels only)
Name |
Type |
Range of Values |
Default Value |
<enable_value> |
Numeric |
A decimal value which corresponds to the binary-weighted sum of the bits in the register (see table below). |
This is a required parameter |
The following table lists the bit definitions for the Standard Operation Register.
Bit Number |
Decimal Value |
Definition | |
0 |
Calibration in Progress |
1 |
Instrument is performing a calibration. |
1-3 |
Not Used |
Not Used |
"0" is returned. |
4 |
Measurement in Progress, or Measuring |
16 |
Instrument is making a measurement as part of a scanning operation or as a standalone DMM measurement. The bit goes true when the INITiate operation begins, and goes false when the INITiate operation ends. |
5 |
Waiting for Trigger |
32 |
Instrument is waiting for an external trigger. |
6-7 |
Not Used |
Not Used |
"0" is returned. |
8 |
Configuration Change |
256 |
This bit is set when anything related to a channel configuration
or measurement is changed. |
9 |
Memory Threshold |
512 |
Programmed number of readings have been stored in reading memory (see DATA:POINts:EVENt:THR command). |
10 |
Instrument Locked |
1024 |
If a remote thread (GPIB, USB, or LAN) has a lock (see SYSTem:LOCK:REQuest? command), this bit will be set. When a remote thread releases the lock (see SYSTem:LOCK:RELease command), this bit will be cleared. |
11-13 |
Not Used |
Not Used |
"0" is returned. |
14 |
Sequence Running |
16384 |
A sequence is currently running. The bit goes true at the beginning of the execution of the sequence, and goes false when the sequence has completed. |
15 |
Not Used |
Not Used |
"0" is returned. |
Use the <enable_value> parameter to specify which bits will be reported to the Status Byte. The decimal value specified corresponds to the binary-weighted sum of the bits you wish to enable in the register. For example, to enable bit 4 (decimal value = 16), bit 8 (decimal value = 256), and bit 9 (decimal value = 512), the corresponding decimal value would be 784 (16 + 256 + 512).
The *CLS (clear status) command will not clear the enable register but it does clear all bits in the event register.
The STATus:PRESet command will clear all bits in the enable register.
Return Format
The query command reads the enable register and returns a decimal value which corresponds to the binary-weighted sum of all bits set in the register. For example, if bit 4 (decimal value = 16) and bit 8 (decimal value = 256) are enabled, the query command will return "+272".
The following command enables bit 8 (decimal value = 256) in the enable register.
The following query returns which bits are enabled in the register.
Typical Response: +256