DATA:POINts:EVENt:THReshold <num_readings>
This command sets a bit in the Standard Operation Register group event register when the specified number of readings have been stored in reading memory from a scan or internal DMM measurements. The "Memory Threshold" bit (bit 9) is set to a "1" in the event register when the number of stored readings is greater than or equal to the specified memory threshold.
For more information on the SCPI Status System for the Agilent 34980A, see Status System Introduction. |
Used With:
34921A through 34925A Multiplexer Modules
34950A Digital I/O Module (digital input and counter channels only)
34952A Multifunction Module (digital input and totalizer channels only)
Name |
Type |
Range of Values |
Default Value |
<num_readings> |
Numeric |
Any value between 1 and 500,000 readings. |
This is a required parameter |
To report any subsequent events, the reading count must first drop below the programmed memory threshold before reaching the threshold again. Use the R? or DATA:REMove command to remove readings from memory.
To enable the "Memory Threshold" bit (bit 9) to be reported to the Status Byte, use the STATus:OPERation:ENABle command.
Once the "Memory Threshold" bit is set, it will remain set until cleared by the STATus:OPERation[:EVENt]? command or *CLS (clear status) command.
The instrument resets the memory threshold to "1" after a Factory Reset (*RST command) or when mainframe power is cycled. The memory threshold value is not reset by the SYSTem:PRESet, *CLS, or STATus:PRESet commands, or after a stored state is recalled (*RCL command).
Return Format
The query command returns the number of readings currently specified as the memory threshold.
The following command sets the memory threshold to 125 readings.
The following query reads the memory threshold setting.
Typical Response: +125