


SOURce:FUNCtion:TRACe[:NAME] <name>, (@<ch_list>)

SOURce:FUNCtion:TRACe[:NAME]? (@<ch_list>)


This command selects a trace name to be associated with the specified channels on the 34951A Isolated DAC Module. The specified trace name must be a previously-defined name downloaded to the memory using the TRACe[:DATA], TRACe[:DATA]:DAC, or TRACe[:DATA]:FUNCtion command.

Used With:

  • 34951A Isolated DAC Module




Range of Values

Default Value


ASCII String

A previously-defined trace name consisting of up to 12 characters. The first character must be a letter (A-Z), but the remaining 11 characters can be letters, numbers (0-9), or the underscore character ("_"). Blank spaces are not allowed.

This is a required parameter



One or more channels in the form (@sccc).
Select from s001, s002, s003, or s004.

This is a required parameter


  • You can associate the same trace name with one to four channels on a module (i.e., you can output the same waveform from multiple channels). You cannot, however, assign the same trace name to different waveforms on the same module (use the TRACe:DELete[:NAME] command to delete a trace waveform from memory). Since trace names are not required to be unique to a given module, you can also assign the same trace name to channels on different modules.

  • An error is generated if the specified trace name does not exist.

  • A Factory Reset (*RST command), Instrument Preset (SYSTem:PRESet command), and Card Reset (SYSTem:CPON command) deletes the trace waveform from memory and removes all trace name associations.

Return Format

The query command returns the trace name associated with the specified channels. Multiple responses are separated by commas. If no traces have been associated with a channel, a null string ( " " ) is returned for that channel.


The following command downloads a 1000-point sine waveform to memory on the module in slot 4 and outputs the waveform from DAC channels 1 and 2. The trace name is "TEST_SINE".  

TRAC:FUNC 4,SIN, TEST_SINE, 1000  !Download 1000-point sine to memory
 !Assign trace to channels 1 and 2
OUTP:STAT ON,(@4001,4002)  !Enable outputs from channels 1 and 2
SOUR:FUNC:ENAB ON,(@4001,4002)  !Enable trace mode on channels 1 and 2

The following query returns the trace name currently associated with DAC channels 1 and 2 in slot 4 (the quotes are also returned).

SOUR:FUNC:TRAC? (@4001,4002)

Typical Response:  "TEST_SINE","TEST_SINE"

See Also