



[SENSe:]TEMPerature:TRANsducer:RTD:RESistance[:REFerence] {<reference>|MIN|MAX|DEF} [, (@<ch_list>)]

[SENSe:]TEMPerature:TRANsducer:RTD:RESistance[:REFerence]? [{(@<ch_list>)|MIN|MAX}]


The resistance of an RTD is nominal at 0 °C and is referred to as Ro. This command selects the nominal resistance (Ro) for 2-wire RTD measurements on the specified channels. If you omit the optional <ch_list> parameter, this command applies to the internal DMM, independent of any channels or a scan list.

Used With:

  • 34921A Armature Multiplexer

  • 34922A Armature Multiplexer

  • 34923A Reed Multiplexer

  • 34924A Reed Multiplexer




Range of Values

Default Value



Any value between 49Ω and 2.1 kΩ.

MIN = 49Ω, MAX = 2.1 kΩ

Ro = 100Ω



One or more channels in the form (@sccc).

If <ch_list> is omitted, this command applies to the internal DMM.


  • If you omit the optional <ch_list> parameter, the configuration applies to the internal DMM, independent of any channels or a scan list (any existing scan list is not redefined). An error is generated if the internal DMM is not installed or is disabled.

  • Since 2-wire and 4-wire resistance are related functions, changing a measurement parameter for one function will also change the corresponding parameter for the other function (see [SENSe:]TEMPerature:TRANsducer:FRTD:RESistance[:REFerence] command).

  • The instrument sets the nominal resistance to 100Ω after a Factory Reset (*RST command). An Instrument Preset (SYSTem:PRESet command) or Card Reset (SYSTem:CPON command) does not change the setting.

Return Format

The query command returns the nominal resistance setting in ohms for each channel specified. Multiple responses are separated by commas.


The following command sets Ro to 1000Ω on channels 3 and 13 in slot 1.

TEMP:TRAN:RTD:RES 1000,(@1003,1013)

The following query returns the Ro settings on channels 3 and 13 in slot 1.

TEMP:TRAN:RTD:RES? (@1003,1013)

Typical Response:  +1.00000000E+03,+1.00000000E+03

See Also

