This command returns the name of the sequence currently executing.
When stored in memory, the user-defined sequence names are converted to all uppercase letters. For example, when stored "MySeq_1" is converted to "MYSEQ_1".
To abort a sequence execution, use the ROUTe:SEQuence:ABORt command or a Device Clear. When the sequence is terminated, the resultant instrument state will be determined by how much of the sequence had been executed when the ABORt/Device Clear was received. An ABORt command (system abort) executed from within a sequence will not terminate the sequence. The *RST and SYSTem:PRESet commands will also abort a sequence execution prior to performing their own actions.
Return Format
This command returns the name of the sequence currently executing. If no sequence is executing, a null string ( " " ) is returned.
The following command returns the name of the sequence currently executing (the quotes are also returned).
Typical Response: "MYSEQ_1"