This command immediately returns the busy/not-busy status of sequence operations.
To abort a sequence execution, use the ROUTe:SEQuence:ABORt command or a Device Clear. When the sequence is terminated, the resultant instrument state will be determined by how much of the sequence had been executed when the ABORt/Device Clear was received.
If the command overlap function is enabled (see ROUTe:OPERation:OVERlap[:ENABle] command), all switching operations within the sequence follow the overlapping rules. If the command overlap function is disabled, all commands within the sequence are processed in a serial fashion in the exact order in which they are received. Note, however, that within a single command containing a <ch_list> parameter (e.g., ROUT:CLOSE (@1001:1010)), the order of the individual switch operations is not guaranteed.
Return Format
The command returns "1" to the output buffer if a sequence is not finished executing (busy). The command returns "0" if a sequence is finished executing (not busy).
The following command executes a sequence named "MYSEQ_1" and then queries the status.
ROUT:SEQ:TRIG MYSEQ_1 !Execute sequence ROUT:SEQ:BUSY? !Query status
Typical Response: 1