This command reads the 34980A's Media Access Control (MAC) address, also known as the link-level address, the Ethernet (station) address, LANIC ID, or Hardware Address. This is an unchangeable 48-bit address assigned by the manufacturer to each unique Internet device.
Your network administrator may need the MAC address if they are assigning a static IP address for this device. |
The instrument's MAC address is set at the factory and cannot be changed.
The MAC address is stored in non-volatile memory, and does not change when power has been off, after a Factory Reset (*RST command), or after an Instrument Preset (SYSTem:PRESet command).
Return Format
The command reads the MAC address and returns an ASCII string enclosed in double quotes. The MAC address is represented as 12 hexadecimal characters divided into groups of two and separated by dashes (e.g., "XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX").
The following query returns the MAC address (the quotes are also returned).
Typical Response: "00-30-D3-00-10-41"