ROUTe:MODule:WAIT {<slot>|ALL}
ROUTe:MODule:WAIT? {<slot>|ALL}
This command waits for the module in the specified slot (or all slots) to complete all overlapped switching operations before continuing (similar to the *WAI command, except that this command does not wait for measurement operations such as scanning to complete).
The query command waits for completion of all overlapped switching operations and then returns "1" to the output buffer (similar to the *OPC? command for non-overlapped operations). The primary utility of this command is when operating in the overlapped switching mode (see ROUTe:OPERation:OVERlap[:ENABle] command).
Used With:
34921A through 34925A Multiplexer Modules
34931A through 34934A Matrix Modules
34937A through 34939A GP Switch Modules
34941A and 34942A RF Multiplexer Modules
34945A Microwave Switch/Attenuator Driver
34946A and 34947A Microwave Switch Modules
Name |
Type |
Range of Values |
Default Value |
<slot> |
Discrete |
{1-8|SLOT1-SLOT8|ALL} |
ALL (all installed modules) |
The non-query command waits for the specified module to complete its overlapped switching operations before processing any other commands (contrast with the ROUTe:MODule:BUSY? command which returns the busy/not-busy status immediately).
The query command waits for completion of all overlapped switching operations and then returns "1" to the output buffer. This may be useful for blocking an application until all overlapped operations on the specified modules are complete.
Since the instrument supports scanning and multiple remote interfaces, it is possible that by the time this command returns "0" (i.e., not busy) there may be another operation in progress from some other thread of operation.
Using this command with modules involved in an active scan may affect overall performance of the scan.
Return Format
The query command returns "1" to the output buffer when the module in the specified slot (or all slots) has completed all overlapped switching operations.
The following command waits for channels 1 through 5 (slot 2) to fully close before opening channel 9.
2 ; ROUT:OPEN (@2009)
The following command returns "1" to the output buffer when all modules have completed their overlapped switching operations.