[SENSe:]DIGital:MEMory:ENABle <mode>, (@<ch_list>)
[SENSe:]DIGital:MEMory:ENABle? (@<ch_list>)
This command enables buffered (memory) input operations on the 34950A Digital I/O Module. This command clears memory, applies the specified sample count (see [SENSe:]DIGital:MEMory:SAMPle:COUNt command), and places the specified channels in the wait-for-trigger state. The first channel on the specified bank must be configured as an input prior to starting a buffered read (see CONFigure:DIGital command).
Used With:
34950A Digital I/O Module
Name |
Type |
Range of Values |
Default Value |
<mode> |
Boolean |
{OFF|0|ON|1} |
OFF (disabled) |
<ch_list> |
Numeric |
The first channel on a bank in the form (@sccc).
This is a required parameter |
Depending on the width specified (see CONFigure:DIGital:WIDTh command), the channel numbering is modified as shown below. For example, if you specify the width as a 16-bit WORD, channels 101 and 102 are combined and addressed collectively as channel 101.
Bank 2 |
Bank 1 |
BYTE (8 Bits): |
Ch 204 |
Ch 203 |
Ch 202 |
Ch 201 |
Ch 104 |
Ch 103 |
Ch 102 |
Ch 101 |
WORD (16 Bits): |
Ch 203 |
Ch 201 |
Ch 103 |
Ch 101 |
LWORd (32 Bits): |
Ch 201 |
Ch 101 |
Once memory is enabled, send the [SENSe:]DIGital:MEMory:STARt or [SENSe:]DIGital:MEMory:STEP command to start the buffered read.
If memory is currently disabled, sending the [SENSe:]DIGital:MEMory:STARt command will enable memory and start the buffered read.
Changing the direction will disable buffered operations on the specified digital channels. In addition, changing the channel width will disable buffered operations and clear memory on the specified digital channels.
The instrument disables buffered memory after a Factory Reset (*RST command). An Instrument Preset (SYSTem:PRESet command) or Card Reset (SYSTem:CPON command) does not change the setting.
Return Format
The query command returns "0" (OFF) or "1" (ON) for each channel specified. Multiple responses are separated by commas.
The following program segment enables buffered reads on channels 101 and 201 on the module in slot 3.
WORD,(@3101,3201) !Width
= 16 bits
DIG:MEM:SAMP:COUN 200,(@3101,3201) !Sample
count = 200
DIG:MEM:ENAB ON,(@3101,3201) !Enable
buffered reads
DIG:MEM:STAR (@3101,3201) !Start
buffered reads
The following query returns the memory setting.
DIG:MEM:ENAB? (@3101,3201)
Typical Response: 1,1