





This command returns the most-recently stored external reference temperature value for thermocouple measurements. This temperature is used for all subsequent thermocouple measurements that specify an external reference source (see [SENSe:]TEMPerature:TRANsducer:TCouple:RJUNction:TYPE command).

Used With:

  • 34921A Armature Multiplexer (with optional 34921T Terminal Block)

  • 34922A Armature Multiplexer

  • 34923A Reed Multiplexer (differential mode only)

  • 34924A Reed Multiplexer


  • To store a reference temperature, first configure a multiplexer channel for an RTD or thermistor measurement (see CONFigure:TEMPerature command). Then assign the measurement from that channel as the external reference using one of the following commands:



    When you initiate a measurement on the selected channel (see INITiate or READ? command), the acquired
    temperature is stored in volatile memory in the reference register. Subsequent thermocouple measurements use the stored temperature as their reference. The temperature remains in memory until you store a different value in the reference register or remove the mainframe power.

  • At power-on, the reference register is loaded with "9.9E+37". Note that until you store a reference temperature, all thermocouple measurements that specify an external reference source will be returned as "9.9E+37".

Return Format

The query command returns the reference temperature in the form "+0.00000000E+00" (always in degrees Celsius).


The following query reads reference register and returns the most-recently stored temperature measurement.


Typical Response:  +2.00000000E+01

See Also




