SYSTem:MODule:PFAil:JUMPer:AMP5? <slot>
The 34937A and 34938A General-Purpose Switch Modules implement a hardware jumper which allows you to define the power-fail state of the 5 Amp Form A latching relays on the module (relays maintain their present state versus all relays open). This command queries the position of the power-fail jumper on the module in the specified slot.
As shipped from the factory, the power-fail jumper is in the "MAINTAIN" position (i.e., all 5 Amp relays maintain their present state when power fails). To change the position of the jumper, you must remove the sheet metal covers from the module and move the position of the jumper mounted on the circuit board. See the Agilent 34980A User's Guide for more information. |
Used With:
34937A 32-Channel General-Purpose Switch (channels 29 through 32 only)
34938A 20-Channel 5A Switch (all channels)
Name |
Type |
Range of Values |
Default Value |
<slot> |
Discrete |
{1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8} |
This is a required parameter |
In the "MAINTAIN" position, all 5 Amp relays maintain their present state when power fails (does not apply to the 1 Amp relays on the 34937A module). When power is restored, all relays return to their normal power-on state. If a power-on recall of a stored instrument state is specified (see MEMory:STATe:RECall:AUTO command), all relays are returned to the specified state when power is restored.
In the "OPEN" position, all 5 Amp relays are opened when power fails (does not apply to the 1 Amp relays on the 34937A module). When power is restored, all 5 Amp relays remain open. Even if a power-on recall of a stored instrument state is specified (see MEMory:STATe:RECall:AUTO command) that would normally close one or more 5 Amp relays when power is restored, the relays remain open. All of the 1 Amp relays (34937A only), however, are set to the state specified by the power-on recall operation.
If the power-fail jumper is missing and is not installed on the circuit board, the instrument will use the default "MAINTAIN" mode.
Return Format
The command returns "MAIN" (all 5 Amp relays maintain their present state when power fails) or "OPEN" (all 5 Amp relays open when power fails). If you send this command to a module other than the 34937A or 34938A, "NONE" is returned and no error is generated.
The following command queries the position of the power-fail jumper on the module in slot 3.
Typical Response: OPEN