Cell Fluorescence


Recording Experimental Signals > Special Modes > Cell Fluorescence


In cell fluorescence mode, activated by ticking the Fluorescence option, intracellular ion concentration can be computed from the ratio of two input channels. Four channels are required, two fluorescent input channels, the computed ratio of these two channels, and computed ion concentration.



To configure a ratio and (optional) ion concentration calculation:


1.      Select the input channels to be ratio-ed from the numerator and denominator channel lists in the Input channels box.

Select the channel to contain the computed ratio  from the list in the Ratio Channel box and define the upper limit of the computed ratio range in the Display Range field. Tick the box beside the channel list to enable the computation.

2.      If the the ionic concentration is to be computed, select the channel to contain the concentration from the list in the Ion Conc. Channel box and define the upper limit of the range in the Display Range field. Tick the box beside the channel to enable the concentration computation.

Enter the name of the ion being monitored, the concentration units (uM,mM,M) and the R.Max, R.Min and K.Eff ratio fluophore calibration values into the the Ion Conc. Equation fields.