Heka EPC9/01 Patch Clamp Control Panel


Getting Started > Amplifiers > Heka EPC9/01 Patch Clamp Control Panel


The amplifier gain, compensation and current/voltage clamp mode of  Heka EPC-9 or EPC-10 patch clamp amplifiers can be set from this control panel.



SetupEPC-9/10 Patch Clamp

to display the EPC-9/10 Patch Clamp control panel.


Amp. No.: Selects the amplifier channel displayed on the panel when a multi-channel amplifier is in use.

Gain: Selects the amplifier current gain.
Mode: Selects voltage- or current-clamp mode. The CC Gain and CC Tau settings determine gain and response time of current-clamp. Select the Gentle Mode Change option to change mode gently.

Filters: Selects the filter response type and cut-off frequency of the the two low pass filters in the current recording pathway. Filter 1 has 4 fixed settings, Bessel 100 kHz, Bessel, 30 kHz, Bessel 10 kHz and HQ 30 kHz. Filter 2 can be selected to have either a Bessel or Butterworth response and a cut-off frequency between 0.1 and 16 kHz. (A Bessel response minimises signal distortion (ringing) after step changes in the filtered signal whereas a Butterworth response provides a sharper cut-off of high frequencies.)

Cfast: Sets the amplitude and time constant of the fast (i.e. pipette) capacity compensation. Click the Auto button to automatically set the Cfast compensation. Click the Clear button to cancel compensation.

Cslow: Sets the working range, amplitude and time constant of the slow (i.e. cell) capacity compensation. Click the Auto button to automatically set the Cslow compensation. Click the Clear button to cancel compensation.

RS Compensation: Sets the response speed and fraction (%) of series resistance compensation. Click the Auto button to automatically set the RS compensation. Click the Clear button to cancel compensation.

Leak: Sets the amount of leak conductance subtracted from currents. Click the Auto button to automatically set the leak subtraction. Click the Clear button to cancel leak subtraction.

Vpipette: Sets the pipette and liquid junction potential compensation and holding voltage. Click the Auto button to automatically set the pipette compensation.. Click the Clear button to cancel compensation.

Command Stimulus: Select the voltage clamp command stimulus input path and enable/disable low pass filtering of stimulus pulses.