10.1.6 Modifying Templates
It is strongly recommended that you use LANSA templates. Consider the following:
- The template language is very easy to learn and use. It is a simple set of instructions based around a tag language.
- You can customize templates to meet your site standards. For example, you can decide if want your company name in the function header.
- You can create your own templates for almost any function. Any time you have repetitive code being used, it is a potential opportunity for a template.
You can edit templates in Visual LANSA using the Template Maintenance option.
- If you are using a Slave Visual LANSA System, you can check-out templates for update and then check-in the changed template to LANSA for i.
- If you are using a Slave Visual LANSA System, you can use the Host Monitor Refresh to update the list of templates. The System Initialization option can also be used to retrieve the templates from the Master System.
- At the very minimum, you should customize and use the BBPGM template so that all templates have a consistent header and comment format.
- Templates are system wide. They are used in all partitions. Any changes will impact all partitions and all developers. When imported, they impact the whole system.
- Because templates are system wide, always make a copy and then modify the copy so that the original template is unchanged. This protects changes from being lost if someone re-imports a set of templates.