Create another Date Display Reusable Part

Visual LANSA

Create another Date Display Reusable Part

You can create another reusable part which extends the functionality of the date display reusable part #EOEXAM04.

To see how this works, create a reusable part (in this example we call it #EOEXAM05). Make its Ancestor the date display reusable part (EOEXAM04) created in the previous section.

Make the Group property of the part "Dates & Times".

Note that apart from the BEGIN_COM statement your reusable part does not contain any code:




However, even though not visible in the source code, it inherits all the functionality of its ancestor.  (If you want to test this, compile the reusable part, put it in a form and compile and execute the form.)

Ý 6.21.3 Date Display Ancestor