6 16 6 Tab Framework Events and Methods

Visual LANSA

6.16.6 Tab Framework Events and Methods

A tab sheet has the following events to aid in the management of a tab framework application:


The CloseClick event is triggered when the user clicks on the DockCloseButton cross.


The AutoHideClick event is triggered when the user clicks on the AutoHideButton cross.


The Docked event is triggered when the user docks a tab sheet.

This event is triggered when the user docks from an undocked position or when the dock position changes whilst staying docked (for example DockPosition changes from Left to Right)


The Undocked event is triggered when  the user undocks a tab sheet.



A tab sheet has the following methods to aid in the management of a tab framework application:


The ShowSheet method can be used to redisplay a tab sheet that has been hidden via the click of the Close button.


The HideSheet method can be used to DockHide a tab Sheet. This is the programmatic equivalent of clicking the Close button.



Ý 6.16 Tab Folder Framework